Notice of Phone-Electronic PZ Meeting 2-10-2021
Due to the Peacetime Emergency declared by Governor Walz under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 12, the Health Pandemic that is COVID-19 as labeled by the Center for Disease Control, and Lent Township resolution 2020-11, the Planning Commission meeting shall be conducted through electronic and telephonic means. If the public wishes to listen to the meeting, the public should:
To dial in from your phone for the February 10, 2021 Planning Commission meeting, call 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 859 2511 1919 Passcode: 189089
To join the Planning Commission meeting from your computer or device, link
Meeting ID: 859 2511 1919
Passcode: 189089
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.021, subd. 1, members of the public are discouraged from attending the meetings in person. The Lent Town Board has determined that permitting the public to enter the regular meeting location (Lent Town Hall) is not prudent because of the health pandemic involving COVID-19. Some or all members of the Town Board or Planning Commission may attend these meetings remotely pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.021, subd. 1.
Email with any questions or to make meeting arrangements. The public is expected to attend remotely unless meeting arrangements are made at least one week prior to the meeting.
Kelly Wood, Township Clerk